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This is an advanced use case tutorial.
The modular design of SLM Lab implies that its components can also be used in other projects. In fact, SLM Lab can be installed as a pip module and used like a typical Python package. This means you can just do a pip import slm_lab
(orpython install
without pip
) and initialize an RL agent for use in your Python project.
This is especially crucial for those who want to use these algorithms in an industrial application. Often the app is part of a massive industrial system, and it is difficult or impossible to wrap that inside the lab. The agent must be made into an importable module to be used inside the app, either for training or for inferencing in deployment.
For demonstration, we have created a standalone script to show how to do this. The solution is very lightweight. The proper spec format will initialize the agent as usual, and as long as the proper agent APIs are called, all agent functionalities will work. Of course, to make use of the lab’s full potential such as distributed training and parameter search, you would still need to use SLM Lab.
The demo below uses a simplified form of the SLM Lab’s Session class. This shows that the main control loop and API methods are already generic.
Let's see how we can implement a Session in an external project.